Does the world need another CNC tutorial?

I thought I’d try writing a more personal post and see if anyone is interested in what I have to say.  I also wanted to see if it would be any easier to write.  When I sit down to write for this blog the words often don’t want to come out, even though I can write fairly quickly and easily for work or forums and discussion groups. … Read the rest


DeskEngrave is a free Windows program that makes it easy to add engraving to your parts if you have a CNC mill, router or similar machine.  It will create text using any TrueType font installed on your PC, make it the height or width that you specify and put it on a straight line or wrapped around a radius. … Read the rest

Jan Ridders’ Flame Eater “Marc”

Flame eater Marc.wmv

Jan Ridders recently updated his plans for a vertical flame eater engine that he originally made in 2003 as a birthday present for his son Marc.  He made a number of improvements and redrew the plans using a CAD program.  Jan says this engine is “more forceful and noisy” than his Stirling engine models.… Read the rest