How to Build a High Current Power Supply

The parts that are needed, except you might need a capacitor.Darren over at wrote a nice tutorial that will teach you how to build a high current variable power supply suitable for a CNC conversion or a home-made power feed. He and others on the forum will probably be able to answer any questions you might have.

I got excited when I saw his thread because I still need to build the power supply for my mini-mill CNC conversion. … Read the rest

How to Read a Micrometer

Inch-micrometerI want to tell you about an excellent tutorial that will teach you how to read a micrometer and give you some practice so you can be sure you are doing it right.  This is still an important skill even though it seems like everything has a digital readout nowadays.  Although it may seem like an inexpensive 6-inch digital caliper can be used to measure almost everything, especially in a home machine shop, a micrometer is often going to be more accurate and be the best or only tool for the job.… Read the rest

Mini-Mill Spindle/Column Alignment

This tutorial was written by Earl Hackett, who graciously gave me permission to republish it here.  Earl found that even though his mini-mill was trammed correctly, different length drill bits were not hitting the same spot on the work piece.  He found that the spindle was slightly tipped and tilted instead of being square with the column. Read the rest