Free Plans: David Kerzel’s Hit & Miss Engine

David Kerzel has free plans for this beautiful hit & miss engine he designed.  It may look like it’s made from castings but it’s actually made from bar stock.  The cylinder has a .75-inch bore and the flywheels are 3.5-inch in diameter.  The plans also come with some well-written and very helpful construction notes.  You can find the links to download David’s plans and notes near the bottom of this web page.

18 thoughts on “Free Plans: David Kerzel’s Hit & Miss Engine”

  1. I built a power hammer and would like to build an engine to run it. It has a 25 lb. hammer. Please send free plans to build my hit and miss engine.
    Thank you

  2. Peter, visit the link in the post and you’ll find a link to download the plans. You’ll also find building notes and other helpful information.

  3. Awesome!
    Any STL files for 3D-Printing? It would be cool to print one as a model (not to fire).
    Nothing on thingiverse that is any good as of yet, this would be the first.
    Grabcad has some files for solidowrks, but nothing I’ve seen 3D-print ready.
    Just a thought.

    • There is enough information on the drawings for you to create CAD files, then convert to STLs. You can use Fusion 360 which is fully featured and free to home users.

  4. David
    I’m looking for 2 cylinder bar stock engine planes. I’ve built JE Howells twin V would like another V or in line 4 stroke. Do have the Holget plans but not to sure about that engine as there is/are balance problems every one I have seen running walks off the table. Might you have any suggestions?
    Woodbine MD.

  5. I’m to useless to read the information about the download so could print it out on aged parchment, frame it and air express it to me please?

  6. Hi David, your h it and miss engine looks perfect for me to machine and build. you must have had thousands of requests for the plans from all over the World but I would be so grateful for the link for me to also download the plans. Thanks Keith


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