A problem with the Sieg X2 mini-mill [HF 44991, Grizzly G8689, Micro-Mark & others] is that the head can suddenly drop down while you’re milling. Everything will seem fine until the head suddenly drops a bit, which causes the end mill to try to cut too much metal at once, causing the table to start shaking as much as the play in the gibs allows. … Read the rest
Jan Ridders’ Engines
Jan Ridders is a talented machinist and prolific designer of model Stirling, flame-eater and internal combustion engines. As you can see from the video he has some good-looking and nice-running designs. You can build them if you want because he generously shares his plans for free.… Read the rest
Lever-Operated Tailstock Cam Locks – Three Well Known Designs you Can Build and a Kit you Can Buy
It has been more than a year and a half since I bought my 7×12 mini-lathe and I finally decided I needed to get serious about building or buying a cam-operated tailstock lock for it. A lever-operated lock is probably one of the most popular modifications for the mini-lathe because it increases your productivity by eliminating the need to find a wrench and turn a nut every time you want to move the tailstock.… Read the rest